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"Find it, Fix it, Leave it."

(A. T. Still)

Founded as early as 1874 by Andrew T. Still, osteopathy is an ancient and, at the same time, much further-developed therapy method. Many people mistakenly translate the term "osteopathy" as "bone disease", which was not Still's original thought. "Path" does not mean the disease but the passion, so it is clear that the inventor of osteopathy wanted to express his love for anatomy and bones with the name.


The aim of this treatment is to release blockages, relieve tension and bring the entire organism back into harmony. Here, the human being is viewed as a unit of body, mind and soul, which can only be healthy if all bodily fluids (blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid) can flow, there is good mobility and the body has the opportunity to heal itself.

Osteopathy consists of three pillars, namely visceral, parietal and craniosacral osteopathy. According to Still, all these pillars must always be treated in order to achieve an optimal result and to restore vitality to the body with all its structures.


  • Visceral osteopathy: concerns the internal organs

  • Parietal osteopathy: relates to the musculoskeletal system with muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments

  • Craniosacral osteopathy: concerns the skull, the nervous system with the brain, spinal cord, nerves, the cerebrospinal fluid including the associated connective tissue membranes and the sacrum


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